The Art of Living

GHIDINI1961 – The Heritage, the Brand, and a dash of destiny.

What’s a common denominator between an Italian family, an Italian region and a craft?


GHIDINI1961, is the definite common link.

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Dive into the comfort of The Tarantino

When was the last time you allowed your body to sink into luxury? 
The Tarantino family of sofas from GHIDINI1961 was designed exactly for that. 
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Dining – The GHIDINI1961 Style

The huge expansion of our dining collection allowed us to include new dining tables, chairs and cabinets to the great collection we already have. We scaled our 2020-collection to include marvelous new marbles, exceptional woods, creative fabrics, high-end leather and modern metal finishes that add a new twist to the definition of contemporary design. 
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Let’s get technical – Is the Abbracci a couch or a Sofa?

Couch or Sofa? Sofa of Couch?

Does it matter?

A couch originates from the French word “couche” which means “to lie down”, while sofa is derived from the Arabic word “suffah” which means “bench or lounge”.

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